Wednesday, February 5, 2014

two in one project

- How have you incorporated the theme of"Two In One"? Explain your reasoning. I am morphing a horse with tiger stripes. I thought of the idea of herbivores and carnivores mixing them into one. A horse usually has plain fur but I thought of making it unique.

- What medium or material are you using and why? I’m using pen and ink because it’s less messy than charcoal. Also I can outline my drawing better and use it to shade in the tiger stripes. I also choose it because I like pen best out of the materials when it comes to shading my backgrounds.

- If you have started: Have you had any difficulties so far in your piece? If so, what are they? I found that it was difficult to draw a horse. I had a hard time drawing the parts, especially the head. I even had to practice getting the tiger stripes right. The hardest part of my piece was drawing the legs.

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